WANTED : More Readers like Mike S. Brown
MeSseD completely sucked me into Jay B. Kalagayan's unfresh world of creepy scenarios and characters I immediately loved - stark B&W art...

WANTED: More Champion Flushers like Sparks Comics
“This is definitely one of those indie books worth going and checking out!”
Check out his review of MeSseD Comics from back in 2021.

WANTED: More Readers like Simon Tam
Cincinnati is filled with treasures just below the surface: not only did it play an important role in the history of the Underground...

Character Mode: Fat Mucket’s Favorite Songs
This month, writer/editor Aiesha D. Little, who serves as the character model for Fat Mucket in the most recent season of MeSseD, drops...

Cincinnati Comic Expo gets MeSseD!
The Cincy Expo is the hometown show for all of us here at MeSseD. We all got masked up in celebration of creators, celebrities, crafters...

Anime Ohio, MeSseD back at the cons!
Anime Ohio is a hometown show for all of us here at MeSseD. It's the third year for the event and they had a huge crowd attend. This...

Selves on the Shelves
“Can you remember the first time you saw yourselves represented in comics and can you describe that experience?” This was a question that...

MeSseD gets Mack
There’s so much I could say about the accomplishments of David Mack. He is the New York Times bestselling author of the Kabuki graphic...

Guest Artist: Jme Foronda
I really like the playful nature of Jme Foronda’s artwork. Her deceptively simple lines unveil a rich, imaginative mind. She is a...

Boots on this December
MeSseD Comics' Season 3 emerges from the sewers! Jay B. Kalagayan and Dylan Speeg will release the next installment in their underground...