Season 3 : Boots On! for FREE
MeSseD Comics Seasons 1, 2 and now 3 are FREE digitally on our website!

WANTED : More Readers like Mike S. Brown
MeSseD completely sucked me into Jay B. Kalagayan's unfresh world of creepy scenarios and characters I immediately loved - stark B&W art...

Cincinnati Comic Expo gets MeSseD!
The Cincy Expo is the hometown show for all of us here at MeSseD. We all got masked up in celebration of creators, celebrities, crafters...

Anime Ohio, MeSseD back at the cons!
Anime Ohio is a hometown show for all of us here at MeSseD. It's the third year for the event and they had a huge crowd attend. This...

MeSseD Evals: Fragile
Mandatory negative notation:
I’ve seen this one’s “1,000 yard stare” when she needs alone time. No long term partners with this one. They m

MeSseD at the Cincinnati Comic Expo!
The Cincinnati Comic Expo is the hometown show for all of us here at MeSseD, and this year was no exception. Check out some of our...

MeSseD up at Indiana Comic Con 2019
META DATA DATA StartFragment Indiana Comic Con 2019 Friday, August 30 - September 1 Indianapolis Convention Center Equis! Indiana...

MeSseD: New animated short
META DATA DATA StartFragment In celebration of our new MeSseD Vol. 1: Follow the Flush trade, MeSseD illustrator Dylan Speeg has mashed...

Meet the Allicrocs in Bask
Bask introduces the allicrocs to the MeSseD world. The allicrocs are a mutated hybrid of alligators and crocodiles able to survive in the se

Motor City Comic Con gets MeSseD!
META DATA DATA StartFragment Motor City Comic Con 2019 Friday, May 17 - Sunday, May 19 Suburban Collection Showplace 46100 Grand...