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season 1
Vol 1 Trade: Follow the Flush
Order Now! Get the entire first season of MeSseD plus bonus story, "Bask"!
Choke, Garden Graveyard, Scrape, Beautiful Dreamer and Lucky can all be yours.
Plus, never before published, Bask part 1 and 2. Meet the Allicrocs as they attack 4INTH.
Check out our blog "Meet the Allicrocs" to learn more about these creatures.
Each issue includes an adventure spun by Cincinnatians Jay B. Kalagayan and Dylan Speeg.
As a dreggin’ bonus, we’ll email you digital copies of the trade as well. That way you won’t wish you hadn't given the printed editions away as a gift!
Special Dreggin' Deal of $28. Oh yes, that includes Shipping and Handling for all US customers.
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